Monday, April 21, 2008

King Corn (A Must See Documentary) and HFCS

So, I watched King Corn (a great new documentary) on PBS last night and got totally freaked out about High Fructose Corn Syrup. I went and checked my fridge and it’s in fewer products than I thought. Because I buy a lot of low sugar and sugar free foods, I only had to throw out four things (one jar of honey mustard and all of my artificial creamers). Most of my hot chocolate (which I love) contains “corn syrup solids,” and so I think I’m going to work on eliminating that next. I don’t know what the heck those are, but they do not sound good. My only other problem is that I love Sub sandwiches, and you and I both know that that bread is from the devil. In fact, I just ate some today! ICK! Looks like I’m going to have to change my bread of choice from that of the “Subway" to the bread from the local bakery. Actually, that doesn’t sound half bad! Yay!

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