Monday, May 5, 2008

Weight Watchers

I have a confession to make. I've gained weight since I started this blog--3 lbs. Writing papers and the end of the semester conspired to stress me out, and I ended up forgetting about all of my diet goals. Aaargh! After standing on the scale last night, I finally got serious. Today, I joined Weight Watchers.
I know, this blog isn't supposed to be about weight loss. But, it's my blog, and it is about eating healthy, so I will be blogging about Weight Watchers.
Reasons I love WW:
1. I went to one meeting, and I already saw someone I know. There were a ton of wonderful, supportive women there! Hooray for Female Empowerment!
2. Weight Watchers makes me feel like eating is a game I'm playing. It's a little like a cross between golf and bowling. I try to eat as many healthy foods as I can and also come in under points value.
3. I can still cook Mediterranean soul food on this diet. I can eat anything I want as long as I count the points. So, I'll still be cooking as I'm losing.

So long. More recipes, food tips, and confessions to come.

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